働く 1の英語
- 【形】
working 働く 2
1. function
2. labor
3. operate
4. work 働く 3
work for〔~で〕 働く 4
1. act as
2. serve as
3. work as
4. work in business as〔~として〕 働く 5
work with〔~とともに〕
- 働く 働く はたらく to work to labor to do to act to commit to practise to work on to come
- 丸1日働く work a full day
- 共に働く 1 work together 共に働く 2 【形】 1. synactic 2. synergic / synergetic
- 不正を働く 1 1. act wrong 2. do a dishonest act [thing] 3. do something dishonest 不正を働く 2 【他動】 rort〈豪俗〉 不正を働く 3 play someone foul〔人に〕
- 強盗を働く 1 1. burgle a house 2. commit a robbery 3. commit a theft 4. knock down 5. knock off 6. stick up 強盗を働く 2 【自動】 1. blag 2. rob
- 忙しく働く 1 work hard 忙しく働く 2 busy oneself [one's hands] with [in, at, about]〔~で〕
- 悪事を働く 1 1. be involved in wrongdoing 2. cause someone harm 3. commit a crime [sin] 4. commit a harmful act 5. commit a misdeed 6. do bad things〔暴行を働くことを意味する婉曲表現〕 7. do evil 8. do harm 9. do wrong 10. play a
- 指図で働く 1 work under one's direction〔~の〕 指図で働く 2 serve under〔人の〕
- 有利に働く 1 1. militate for 2. tip the balance in favor of〔~に〕 有利に働く 2 1. go in someone's favor 2. load the dice in someone's favor 3. weigh in someone's favor 4. work out in someone's favor〔人に〕
- 海賊を働く 1 commit piracy 海賊を働く 2 【形】 piratical 海賊を働く 3 【自動】 buccaneer
- 熱心に働く 1 1. bust [break] one's ass〈米俗?卑〉 2. bust one's tail [conk, guts, hump] 3. earnestly labor 4. work fervently 5. work like a black 6. work with diligence 7. work with enthusiasms 8. work with zeal 9. w
- 盗みを働く 1 pull a job〈俗〉 盗みを働く 2 【自動】 thieve 盗みを働く 3 turn over〔商店?住居などに侵入して〕
- 窃盗を働く 1 commit a theft 窃盗を働く 2 【自動】 steal
- 蛮行を働く 1 1. commit an atrocity 2. create mayhem 蛮行を働く 2 【自動】 trash
- 詐欺を働く 1 1. commit a fraud 2. operate a scam 3. perpetrate a fraud 4. perpetrate a swindle 5. play the rogue 6. practice a swindle 7. practice deception 8. practice fraud 9. work a scam 詐欺を働く 2 【自動】 1. sc